
Analyze coordinates for RepelPot nonbonded clashes.

Usage: analyzeRepel [options] <coordinate files to analyze>

where option is one or more of:

-bumpSel <val>                   - atoms to perform detailed analysis on
-bumpDist <val>                  - distance bound for -bumpSel analysis [3]
-repel <val>                     - Radius scale [default]
-threshold <val>                 - overlap above which a violation is flagged
-selection <atom selection>      - atoms to include in Repel selection
-selPair <atom sel1> <atom sel2> - add a pair of selections to compute
                                   interactions between
-psf <file name>                 - PSF file - required for nonstandard
-par <file name>                 - filename containing extra nonbonded
-model <integer>                 - PDB model number to read [1]
-use14                           - if specified, included 1-4 interactions in

Additional common options