
Given a PDB, compute the P(r) due to adding MTSL tags at the specified residues.

Usage: calcPr [option] segid1:resid1 segid2:resid2 <pdb files>

where option is one or more of:

-compare <filename>         - read a comparison P(r) from a file with lines
                              consisting of r P(r). In this case, the values
                              of r                           are used in
                              computation of the new P(r). and both
                              curves are plotted.
-addUnrecognized            - add in unrecognized PDB entries. HETATM records
                              are always read, but will be ignored if they
                              don't specify standard residue names. With this
                              option, any atom which is not recognized will
                              be added to the structure.
-tagCoords <filename>       - filename containing coordinates for the
                              rotamer coordinates.
-probWidth <val>            - width of contribution to probability
                              distribution of                           a
                              single pair of rotamers (0.7 Angstromif not
                              specified here or in the tagCoords file)
-distanceSigmoidWidth <val> - distance sigmoid value (2.5 Angstrom
                              if not specified here or in the tagCoords
-paraAtomRadius <val>       - radius of the paramagnetic atom (3 Angstrom
                              if not specified here or in the tagCoords
-makePlot                   - If specified, make a plot of the P(r)
-plotFilename <filename>    - name for a 2D plot file including a P(r).
                              When specified, -makePlot is assumed.
                              [Default: the plot is to the screen

Residues to be tagged are identified by segid:resid


-selection           - atoms included in the calculation of tag occlusion.
                       ["name C CA N O"]
-writeTaggedPDB      - write out a PDB including tag atoms in the file named
-rMin <val>          - minimum value of r - used if -compare is not
-rMax <val>          - maximum value of r - used if -compare is not

Additional common options