Given a PDB, compute the DEER trace arising from signal due to adding a pair of MTSL tags added at the specified residues.
Usage: calcTrace [option] <pdb files>
where option is one or more of:
-pair <a> <b> <filename> - Specify two residues on which to place paramagnetic tags in the "a" and "b" arguments and a filename containing the corresponding DEER trace in space- separated format -selection <atom selection> - atoms included in the calculation of tag occlusion. ["name C CA N O"] -writeTaggedPDB - If specified, write out a PDB including tag atoms in the file named 'tagged.pdb'. -makePlot - If specified, make a plot of the DEER trace -plotFilename <filename> - name for a 2D plot file including a P(r). When specified, -makePlot is assumed. [Default: the plot is to the screen -rMin <val> - minimum value of r used in computation of the P(r) [10] -rMax <val> - maximum value of r used in computation of the P(r) [100] -rDelta <val> - spacing of r used in computation of the P(r) [0.5] -probWidth <val> - width of contribution to probability distribution of a single pair of rotamers [None]. -addUnrecognized - add in unrecognized PDB entries. HETATM records are always read, but will be ignored if they don't specify standard residue names. With this option, any atom which is not recognized will be added to the structure. -tagCoords <filename> - filename containing coordinates for the rotamer coordinates. -distanceSigmoidWidth <val> - distance sigmoid value (2.5 Angstrom) -paraAtomRadius <val> - radius of the paramagnetic atom (4 Angstrom) -zeroFit - if specified, scale experiment and shift input time values such that initial maximum is approximately 1 at time zero. -fitPositive - Fit the normalization and zero time using a Gaussian with positive time. Otherwise a symmetric- about zero Gaussian fit is used. -errColumn <val> - in the input data, the (whitespace-separated) column containing error values. A value of zero indicates to use errDefault instead [3] -errDefault <val> - default constant error value. A value of "deelab" will cause it to be computed using <m deerlab>.noiselevel(), if the module is available, while the value 0 leads to the value being computed as 0.02 times max(trace). -dropInterval <val> - time interval (in micro sec) of the input experimental curve to omit at the end of the DEER trace (0).
Residues to be tagged are identified by segid:resid