Given two raw Saupe matrices specified in stdin, compute the normalized scalar product between the two tensors and the scalar product between axes. Also, compute angle of rotation between two axes.
Reference: J. Sass et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1999) 121:2047-2055.
Usage: compareTensors
compareTensors <
where contains two raw 3x3 Saupe matrices, e.g., as obtained from the calcTensor accessory program:
VarTensor Saupe matrix: 7.030 17.274 1.159 VarTensor 17.274 -23.343 2.768 VarTensor 1.159 2.768 16.313
VarTensor Saupe matrix: 2.481 18.246 -2.683 VarTensor 18.246 -19.248 8.687 VarTensor -2.683 8.687 16.767
or as provided within the REMARKS records of PDB headers.