
Generate contact map from one or more pdb files.

Usage: contactMap [options] <structure files>

where options are one or more of:

-cutoff <val>       -- default distance cutoff used to determine contacts
                       [default: 4 angstroms]
-psf <psf file>     -- optional psf file
-xticks <vals>      -- colon-separated xtick values
-yticks <vals>      -- colon-separated ytick values

-selection <atom selection>
-selection2 <atom selection>
-selPair <sel1> <sel2> <color[:cutoff]>
                    -- specified instead of -selection and
                       -selection2. Display contacts between
                       residues in the specified pair of
                       atom selections using the specified
                       color. Currently supported colors are
                       red, green and blue. A per-selection pair distance
                       cutoff can be optionally specified by appending a
                       colon-separated value to the color specification.

-printTable         -- print out a texual representation of the table
-includeZeros       -- if specified, include zero values in the output table.
-printContacts      -- print contacts for each file processed.
-printAtomContacts  -- print the identity of all atom pairs which are within
                       cutoff, and the associated distance.
-ensWeightRegexp=value -- regular expression used to extract ensemble
                          weights from remarks section of the PDB header.
                          The weight for contacts from a pdb file is
                          taken from all characters on the matched remark
                          after the ensWeightRegexp.
-absolute           -- for the color shading: make the darkest color
                       be relative to the absolute number of weighted
                       contacts divided by number of structures. By default
                       it is relative to the maximum contact value.
-popEnumerated <spec>- enumerate which colors to use for a specific
                       population range. The colors and ranges are specified
                       by a space, or column separated list of values
                        'val1 color1  ... valN colorN'
                       where colorI is displayed for populations between
                       val(I-1) and valI, and so on.
-cmpPDB <pdb file>  -- if specified, denote the contact map for a comparison
-cmpPSF <psf file>     file as a green contour. -cmpPSF should be specified
                       for non-standard structures.
-suppressDiag <num> -- do not display contacts for which |i-j| <= num,
                       where i and j are residue numbers. For instance,
                       specifying -suppressDiag 0 will prevent contacts
                       for which i==j
-noPlot             -- don't create plot.
-outFile <filename> -- plot filename

Specific MODEL records within a pdb file can be chosen using the syntax file.pdb:2 where the integer following the colon specifies the MODEL record. A range of MODELs can be chosen using a model specifier BEG-END, where BEG and END specify start and end record numbers, respecitvely.

Additional common options