
Generate surf output for VMD.

Usage: genSurf [options] <>


-R <val>   - specify probe radius in Angstroms. [1.4]
-E <val>   - specify maxTessLen parameter - smaller for higher fidelity [6].
-W <val>   - ignored.

In input .surf file consists of one line per atom in the format:

index radius x y z

where index is a 0-offset counter, radius, x,y,z, denote radius and atomic position, respectively.

The output file name is that of the input with suffix '.tri' appended. The output format is:

V1x V1y V1z N1x N1y N1z
V2x V2y V2z N2x N2y N2z
V3x V3y V3z N3x N3y N3z

where index is the atom index and Via and Nia specify the three triangle vertices and normals in the three Cartesian dimensions. For each triangle of each atom, the sequence above is repeated.

Additional common options