

Perform H-Bond scoring on each input file.

Usage: hbScore [options] <pdb file1> [<pdb file2> ...]

where option is one or more of:

-psf <filename>      - psf file- necessary if nonstandard residues
                       are present.
-selection <string>  - atom selection string specifying which
                       H-bond donors and acceptors to report on.
-showDetails         - If specified, print out info on individual H-bonds
                       using the hbPotTools.analyze() function
-listDonorsAcceptors - If specified, print out a complete list
                       of proton donors and acceptor, and then exit.
-listNeighbors       - If specified, print out a list of nearby
                       donors for each acceptor, and then exit.
-showHBDB            - If specified, report H-bond info from the HBDB term

Additional common options