
Create a two dimensional plot from X-Y data.

Usage: plotLog [option] file1[suff] ...

where option is one or more of:

-startString <Val> - ignore all input up to and including the first
                     line containing startString.
-stopString <Val>  - ignore all input after and including the first
                     line containing stopString.

suff is an optional colon-separated list of column numbers and style strings. There can be 1-4 (offset 1) column numbers, corresponding to y-only, x,y, or x,y,dy x,y,dx,dy data, respectively. An optional double colon (::) can be followed by row number.

Using the filename stdin causes input to be read from stdin.

option is zero or more of:

-xmax <val>   - plot bounds
-xmin  <val>
-xdelta <val> - bin size for histograms
-ymax <val>   - plot bounds
-ymin  <val>
-xlabel <text> - axis labels
-ylabel <text>
-label  <x:y:text>  - place extra label on plot
-outFile <filename> - name of output file.
-normalizeIndex <val> - how to normalize the curves to each other
                        (default - no normalization)
-normalizeX <val>     - value of x-axis at which to normalize y-axis values
                        (default - no normalization)
-suffix <suffix>      - specify default suffix for all files
-vline <val>          - draw vertical line at val
-hline <val>          - draw horizontal line at val
-line <x1:y1:x2:y2>   - draw a line
-xticks <vals>        - colon-separated xtick values
-yticks <vals>        - colon-separated ytick values
-xminor <vals>        - colon-separated minor xtick values
-yminor <vals>        - colon-separated minor ytick values

-numRows <val>        - number of rows of subplots
-curRow  <val>        - current row for option specification -
                         rows are numbered from 0, and from bottom to top
-rect left:bot:width:height
                      - specify the size of the current subplot
                        (default: 0.15:0.15:0.8:0.8)
-plotType <type>      - type of plot for current row (linear, log, loglog,
                       xlog,bar,histogram). For bar data, the meaning of
                       specifying 4 suffix numbers becomes the x-axis,
                       height, error, and a separate data point to be plotted
                       on the bars.
-linewidth <val>      - set linewidth
-markersize           - scale for symbol size of scatter points.
-fontsize             - text size
-figsize <x> <y>      - size of figure
-wintitle <text>      - window title (for interactive display)
-title <text>         - on-plot title
-sep                  - column separator/delimitor character (defaults to
-legend               - generate a legend
-legendLabels         - Lables to use for legend, in the order of the
                        file arguments.
-legendLocation       - legend placement. String, such as "upper left"

Additional common options