Compute the backbone chemical shifts, and optionally fit to experimental values. This uses a modified version of "SPARTA+: a modest improvement in empirical NMR chemical shift prediction by means of an artificial neural network Yang Shen and Ad Bax," J. Biomol. NMR, 48, 13-22 (2010).
Usage: runSparta [options] <pdb files>
Options are one or more of:
-table <filename> - filename of observed chem shift values. -format <format> - format of the table (TALOS, PIPP or NMRSTAR). For NMRSTAR tables, a save set can be specified by appending a colon followed by its name to the file name. [default: TALOS]. -selection <string> - atom selection for which to predict chemical shifts -showShifts - if specified, print out chemical shift values. -segid <val> - specify which segid the shifts correspond to [default: blank]
Statistics for the specified input files are reported.