

Generate report on all protein torsion angle values for one or more structure files. Reports generated for individual structures and averages.

Usage: torsionReport [option] <pdb files> > file.out

Information averaged over all the structures is sent to stdout.

Possible options are:

-psf <file.psf> - a PSF file. This option must be used if the protein
contains nonstandard residues.

-selection <string> - specify a sub-region of the protein to report on.

For each structure, a printout of all the torsion angles is saved to a file named structN.angles

By default, all MODELs in a PDB file are analyzed. A particular model can be chosen using the syntax file.pdb:MODEL, where file.pdb is the filename, and MODEL is the model number. e.g. 1.

Additional common options