Pydoc: module moremath
Various bits of useful math not in the standard python library.
Constants :
- euler_gamma = 0.577215...
- catalan = 0.915965...
- golden_ratio = 1.618033...
- bits_per_nat = log2(e) = 1/log(2)
- sqrt_2pi = 2.50662...
Special Functions :
- gamma() -- Gamma function.
- lngamma() -- Logarithm of the gamma function
- factorial() -- The factorial function.
- digamma() -- Digamma function (logarithmic derivative of gamma).
- trigamma() -- Trigamma function (derivative of digamma).
- entropy() -- The entropy of a probability vector
- incomplete_gamma() -- The 'upper' incomplete gamma function.
- normalized_incomplete_gamma() --
- lg() -- Base 2 logarithms.
Vector Operations :
- rmsd() -- Root mean squared deviation of two point vectors
- minimize_rmsd() -- Find the rigid transformation that minimized the
RMSD between two vectors of points.
Minimization :
- find_root() -- 1d root finding
Probability Distributions :
- Gamma
- Dirichlet
- Multinomial
- Gaussian
Functions |
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- argmax(alist)
- Return the index of the last occurance of the maximum value in the list.
- argmin(alist)
- Return the index of the first occurance of the minimum value in the list.
- digamma(z)
- The digamma function, the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function.
digamma(z) = d/dz ln( gamma(z) )
See: Eric W. Weisstein. "Digamma Function." From MathWorld--
A Wolfram Web Resource.
- entropy(pvec, base=2.718281828459045)
- The entropy S = -Sum_i p_i ln p_i
pvec is a frequency vector, not necessarily normalized.
- factorial(z)
- The factorial function.
factorial(z) == gamma(z+1)
- gamma(z)
- The gamma function. Returns exact results for small integers. Will
overflow for modest sized arguments. Use lngamma(z) instead.
See: Eric W. Weisstein. "Gamma Function." From MathWorld, A Wolfram Web Resource.
- incomplete_gamma(a, x)
- The 'upper' incomplete gamma function:
| -t a-1
incomplete_gamma(a,x) = | e t dt.
In Mathematica, Gamma[a,x].
Note that, very confusingly, the phrase 'incomplete gamma fucntion'
can also refer to the same integral between 0 and x, (the 'lower'
incomplete gamma function) or to the normalized versions,
normalized_incomplete_gamma() )
See: Eric W. Weisstein. "Gamma Function." From MathWorld, A Wolfram Web Resource.
Bugs :
This implentation is not very accurate for some arguments.
- lngamma(z)
- The logarithm of the gamma function.
- log2(x)
- Return the base 2 logarithm of x
- normalized_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
- The upper, incomplete gamma function normalized so that the limiting
values are zero and one.
Q(a,x) = incomplete_gamma(a,x) / gamma(a)
Bugs :
This implentation is not very accurate for some arguments.
- trigamma(z)
- The trigamma function, the derivative of the digamma function.
trigamma(z) = d/dz digamma(z) = d/dz d/dz ln( gamma(z) )
See: Eric W. Weisstein. "Digamma Function." From MathWorld--
A Wolfram Web Resource.
Data |
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__all__ = ('euler_gamma', 'catalan', 'golden_ratio', 'bits_per_nat', 'sqrt_2pi', 'gamma', 'lngamma', 'factorial', 'digamma', 'trigamma', 'entropy', 'log2', 'incomplete_gamma', 'normalized_incomplete_gamma', 'argmax', 'argmin')
bits_per_nat = 1.4426950408889634
catalan = 0.915965594177219
euler_gamma = 0.5772156649015329
golden_ratio = 1.618033988749895
sqrt_2pi = 2.5066282746310007 |