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Analysis of the Nonbonded Energy Terms
The distance statement allows one to analyze the
nonbonded interactions, such as inter- or intramolecular
close contacts.
The nonbonded distances are analyzed as provided
by the
nonbonded list routines. Selected parts of the nonbonded
list may be printed by specifying an upper and lower cutoff
and atom selections. All nonbonded distances between the
first and second set of atoms that satisfy the
cutoff criteria are printed. (See Section 3.2.1 for
nonbonded list
parameters and options.) It should be noted that the
distance statement is most useful for checking
contacts between molecules. It can also be used to produce
a distance matrix. However, the distance statement
is not very flexible when certain
averages of distances are required. (See Section
6.4 for a much more flexible approach to
computing and plotting a distance matrix.)
Xplor-NIH 2024-09-13