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- DYNAmics
- ANALysis RDF { dynamics-rdf-statement } END is invoked from the main level of X-PLOR.
- dynamics-rdf-statement :==
- trajectory-statement
- defines the input data; see Section 12.1.3.
- ASPEcies=selection
- selects “A"-species.
- BSPEcies=selection
- selects “B"-species.
- DENSity=real
- adjusts the density to normalize the distribution (default: 1).
- MINImum-image
- BOXX=real
BOXZ=real END defines x,y,z dimensions of a rectangular box for periodic boundary conditions (default: no periodic boundary conditions). - MODE=AVERageCENTerPOINt
- provides alternate ways of computing radial distributions. AVERage computes radial distributions around each A-species atom within RADIus around ORIGin and averages them. CENTer computes the distribution around the geometric center of all A-species. POINt does it around the fixed ORIGin.
- ORIG=vector
- is explained under MODE (default: (0 0 0) ).
- OUTPut=filename
- writes the radial distribution function to the specified file (default: OUTPUT).
- RADIus=real
- is explained under MODE (default: 0).
- RGRID=real
- is the interval between values of for which is evaluated (default: 0.05).
- RMAX=real
- provides the maximum value of for which radial distribution function is calculated (default: 10.0).