! index, theta1, theta2, theta3, RF-function (EPSIlon= 0.25) 1 20.765 70.000 253.448 1.2082 6 35.554 75.000 68.657 1.1648 7 9.555 67.500 257.055 1.1507 8 34.519 75.000 249.691 1.1493 9 14.460 70.000 75.923 1.1466 10 344.274 65.000 87.131 1.1465The first number is the order of the grid point; i.e., 1 is the highest grid point and 6 is the 6th-highest grid point. In this case, the cluster analysis has determined that grid points 2, 3, 4, and 5 are close to the first point, and thus they do not appear in this list. The second, third, and fourth numbers are the angular parameters according to the selected sampling scheme. The fifth number is the value of the rotation function. Note that the cluster analysis maps the angular parameters into an asymmetric unit of the rotation function, thus removing symmetry-related redundancies.