
EVALuate ($<$evaluate-statement$>$)
is a control statement.
$<$symbol$>$ = $<$operation$>$
$<$vflc$>$ [$<$op$>$ $<$operation$>$ ]
denotes addition or concatenation for strings.
denotes subtraction or unary minus or negative concatenation for strings.
denotes multiplication.
denotes division.
denotes exponentiation.
denotes exponentiation (same as ^ ).
$<$function$>\vert<$symbol$>\vert<$real$>\vert<$integer$>\vert<$string$>$ deals with the fact that the data types of the operations and operands have to match; otherwise an error message is issued. The available functions, such as SIN, COS, and TAN, are defined in Section 2.16.

Xplor-NIH 2024-06-11