Self-rotation Function

The following file performs a self-rotation function. Note that all crystallographic symmetry operators of the space group have to be specified without the translational part.

self_rf.inp X-PLOR produced the following list of highest rotation function peaks:

 ! index, psi, phi, kappa, RF-function ( 0.35)
      1     0.000   0.000 180.000    4.9837
    123    90.000   0.000 180.000    4.4721
   1399   174.000   0.000 170.000    2.5059
   1481    90.000  84.000 170.000    2.4751
   1492     6.000   0.000 170.000    2.4690
cleary indicating the presence of a non-crystallographic symmetry twofold element at ($\psi$=90, $\phi$=0, $\kappa$=180). This twofold element is visible in the contour plot shown in Fig. 19.2 as well:

Figure 19.2: Self-rotation function.
\begin{figure}{\epsfxsize =300pt

Xplor-NIH 2024-06-11