Square-Well Function

For POTEntial=SQUAre-well, a square-well function is used:
E_{NOE}^{class}= {\rm min}(ceil,S C) \Delta^{exp}
\end{displaymath} (20.10)

where $\Delta$ is defined as


\Delta = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
R-(d+d_{plus}-d_{off}) &...
...d-d_{minus}-R) & \mbox{$R < d-d_{minus}$}
\end{array} \right.

$S$ is the scale factor specified by the SCALe statement, $C$ is the scale factor specified by the SQCOnstant statement, and $d$, $d_{plus}$, and $d_{minus}$ are specified by the ASSIGn statement:

{\tt assign \quad <selection> \quad <selection> }
\quad d \quad d_{minus} \quad d_{plus}

The exponent $exp$ is specified by the SQEXponent statement and $d_{off}$ is specified by the SQOFfset value. The distance $R$ is defined in Section 20.2.

Xplor-NIH 2024-06-11