The first example selects all
( name ca and resid 40:100 )The next example selects all heavy side-chain atoms:
( not ( name ca or name n or name c or name o or hydrogen ) )The next example selects all atoms in Phe residues that are within 20 Å around residue 1:
( resname phe and ( residue 1 around 20.0 ) )The next example is similar to the previous one, except that all atoms of a particular Phe residue are selected once any atom of this residue is within 20 Å from residue 1:
( byresidue ( resname phe and ( residue 1 around 20.0 ) ) )Suppose that we want to get the stereochemistry as a function of residue number. The following example tags each residue by using its

for $1 in id ( name ca ) loop main constraints interaction=( byresidue ( id $1 ) )=(previous) end print threshold=0.1 bonds display $RESULT end loop main
Xplor-NIH 2025-03-21