atom |
index |
Atom Object
references the specified atom in the given simulation. Note that the
index is 0-offset, unlike XPLOR's id specifier (which is 1-offest).
The following methods return the constructor arguments:
The following accessor methods are defined:
string() - a unique descriptive string
residueName() - residue name (e.g. 'ALA')
atomName() - atom name (e.g. 'HN')
chemType() - chemical type used for type-based parameters
residueNum() - residue number (note that this is an integer)
pos() - a vec3.Vec3 describing Cartesian position
vel() - a Vec3 describing Cartesian velocity
mass() - atomic mass
fric() - friction used for bath-coupling by dynamics engines
charge() - atomic partial charge.
selectionString() - return a string which will select only this atom
in an atomSel.AtomSel.
The above functions get the named quantities. These quantities may be
set using functions named setQuantity(arg), where Quantiy is the
appropriate name and arg is the desired new value.
Atom objects can be compared using the equality operator (==), and they are
hashable, so they can be used in Python sets.
Additionally, there are the following methods:
isValid() - specifying whether the atom pos has been set.
bondedTo() - return a list of atoms bonded to this atom.
The following static variable is defined:
INVALID_COORD - the initial values for the x, y, and z components of
an Atom's position, before assignment. Atom's the absolute
values of one or more elements of pos are equal or greater
than this value will cause the isValid() method to return
False. [This value is accessed via atom.INVALID_COORD.]
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# Version 4.0.2
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cvar = <Swig global variables> |