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- builtins.object
- Comm
- Connection
class Comm(builtins.object) |
Comm(numProcs, procNum, host, port=9021, timeout=138240, startupTimeout=50, allowStartupFailures=1, startupDelay=None)
Methods defined here:
- __init__(s, numProcs, procNum, host, port=9021, timeout=138240, startupTimeout=50, allowStartupFailures=1, startupDelay=None)
- conns gets updated to reflect processes which have died.
conns0 does not get updated.
if allowStartupFailures is set, this is passed to startServer. If
any failures occur on startup, the processes are renumbered, and
numProcs is appropriately reset.
If specified, the startupDelay argument specifies a time (in seconds)
to wait before connecting to the server. For the server (procNum 0),
this has no effect.
- barrier(s, timeout=-1)
- wait for all slaves. On master, return a list of connections which
reached the barrier. If a connection is found to be dead (process or
machine crashed), it is not included in the returned connections.
- collect(s, msg)
- send message to procNum 0- returned in sorted fashion
- distribute(s, msg)
- send message from procNum 0 to all others. Returns this message
- info(s, procNum)
- multiProc(s)
- Called at the end of a single-threaded region begun with singleProc().
This version calls a full barrier()
- multiProcNoBarrier(s)
- Called at the end of a single-threaded region begun with singleProc().
This version does not call barrier().
- procs(s)
- Return the a sorted list of the current proc numbers. Only to be
called by proc 0. As it is only consumed by proc 0, 0 is not included
in the returned list.
- readDataFrom(s, proc)
- read python data from the specified process. The return value is
a Python object. If the specified process does not exist, return
- singleProc(s)
- Used to perform operation by only a single process. Returns True
for process 0, and False for all others
- writeDataTo(s, proc, msg)
- write python data to the specified process. Can write any
pickle-able object.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Connection(builtins.object) |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(s, sock)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- closed(s)
- readData(s)
- readln(s)
- does not return the trailing newline character.
- writeData(s, msg)
- msg can be any picklable Python object
- writeln(s, str)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
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