Pydoc: module waterRefineTools
Tools for explicit water refinement with additional NMR restraints along the
lines of the RECOORD work:
Aart J. Nederveen, Jurgen F. Doreleijers, Wim Vranken, Zachary Miller,
Chris A.E.M. Spronk, Sander B. Nabuurs, Peter Guentert, Miron Livny,
John L. Markley, Michael Nilges, Eldon L. Ulrich, Robert Kaptein and
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin, ``RECOORD: a REcalculated COORdinates
Database of 500+ proteins from the PDB using restraints from the
BioMagResBank,'' Proteins 59, 662-672 (2005)..
Classes |
| |
- atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction(atomSelAction.Base)
- GetBounds
- RenumberResids
class GetBounds(atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction) |
compute Cartesian bounds of atom selection.
The method bounds() returns a tuple of
(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax) |
- Method resolution order:
- GetBounds
- atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction
- atomSelAction.Base
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(s)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- bounds(s)
- init(s, sel)
- run(s, sim, index)
Methods inherited from atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction:
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- pyXplorHelp(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'String'
Static methods inherited from atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction:
- __swig_destroy__ = delete_PyAtomSelAction(...)
Data descriptors inherited from atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction:
- thisown
The membership flag
Methods inherited from atomSelAction.Base:
- finish_unused(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'void'
- init_unused(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'void'
- returnMethodName(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'String'
Data descriptors inherited from atomSelAction.Base:
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class RenumberResids(atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- RenumberResids
- atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction
- atomSelAction.Base
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(s)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- init(s, sel)
- run(s, sim, index)
Methods inherited from atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction:
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- pyXplorHelp(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'String'
Static methods inherited from atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction:
- __swig_destroy__ = delete_PyAtomSelAction(...)
Data descriptors inherited from atomSelAction.PyAtomSelAction:
- thisown
The membership flag
Methods inherited from atomSelAction.Base:
- finish_unused(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'void'
- init_unused(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'void'
- returnMethodName(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'String'
Data descriptors inherited from atomSelAction.Base:
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| |
Functions |
| |
- buildShell(thickness=8.0, pw_dist=4.0, dyncount=1, waterBoxPDB='TOPPAR:waterRef/boxtyp20.pdb', waterBoxLength=18.856, waterDiam=2.4, waterResname='WAT')
- water soaking protocol from Aria 1.2 (M. Nilges and J. Linge)
thickness - max initial water-protein(heavy atom) distance
pw_dist - min initial water-protein(heavy atom) distance
dyncount - iteration number - used to generate a unique segment name
- refine(heatingParams=[], highTempParams=[], coolingParams=[], potList=[], outFilename='waterRefine.pdb', rigidRegions=(), fixedRegions=(), keepWaters=False, waterResname='TIP3')
- An implementation of the water refinement protocol from Aria 1.2. M.
Nilges and J. Linge. This version can accommodate additional NMR
restraints, such as dipolar coupling, etc.
coolingParams - lists of ramped parameters to use during the heating,
high-temperature and cooling phases of the refinement
potList - potential terms to use in water refinement. To these are
added the following terms: ELEC, VDW, BOND, ANGL, IMPR,
rigidRegions - selections of atoms which do not move relative to
each other.
fixedRegions - selections of atoms which do not move at all.
outFilename - name of pdb file written after water refinement.
keepWaters - if True, do not delete water molecules when writing out
pdb files.
waterResname - residue name of water molecules [default: 'TIP3']
- segidCountMap(cnt)
- Given an integer return a character or throw an exception if out of
range. The map looks like:
0..9 --> '0'..'9'
10..35 --> 'A'..'Z'